Booster grant special effects to Helldivers during a mission. Each Helldiver can equip one booster during the deployment phase of a mission and they cannot select the same one. To view available boosters, open you Armory menu and select the “Booster” tab.

Name EffectObtain
Motivational ShocksAllows all Helldivers to recover faster after being slowed by an attack, such as acid. Does not mitigate “area effects,” such as EMS strikes.Polar Patriots PG_1
Expert Extraction PilotLowers the time it takes for the extraction shuttle to reach the extraction beacon.Democratic Detonation PG_2
Localization ConfusionIncreases the time between enemy encounters.Cutting Edge PG_1
Flexible Reinforcement BudgetReduces time until new reinforcements are granted once they’ve been depleted.Steeled Veterans PG_3
Hellpod Space OptimizationHelldivers come out of the Hellpod fully stocked on Ammo, Grenades and Stims.Helldivers Mobilize! PG_3
Vitality EnhancementAllows all Helldivers to resist injury.Helldivers Mobilize! PG_4
UAV Recon BoosterIncreases all Helldivers’ effective radar range.Helldivers Mobilize! PG_6
Stamina EnhancementIncreases all Helldivers’ stamina capacity and recovery.Helldivers Mobilize! PG_7
Muscle EnhancementAllows Helldivers to traverse difficult terrain with ease.Helldivers Mobilize! PG_9
Increased Reinforcement BudgetIncreases the number of available reinforcements.Helldivers Mobilize! PG_10